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BTC to XMR Houdini Exchange

The latest rate for the BTC to XMR exchange is 1 BTC ≈ 488.24652050458496 XMR. Before proceeding with the BTC/XMR conversion, use our BTC to XMR exchange calculator to estimate the amount of Ethereum you'll receive. Simply enter the amount of Ethereum you'd like to swap, and our converter will provide an accurate rate. HoudiniSwap offers a fast, secure, and easy-to-use platform with no sign-up required for converting BTC to XMR. Exchange over 4,000 coins and tokens.
Swap / Bridge / Cross-Chain

$BTC and $XMR Market Dataupd at 06:54

BTC Price
$ 104,890.00
24H % Change
Market Cap
$ 28,152,559,371.00
24h volume
$ 99,859,329,189.00
Circulating Supply
XMR Price
$ 214.83
24H % Change
Market Cap
$ 19,945,610.00
24h volume
$ 65,328,476.00
Circulating Supply

Convert BTC to XMR

488.24652050458496 XMR
2441.232602522925 XMR
10 BTC
4882.46520504585 XMR
25 BTC
12206.163012614625 XMR
50 BTC
24412.32602522925 XMR
100 BTC
48824.6520504585 XMR
500 BTC
244123.26025229247 XMR
1000 BTC
488246.52050458494 XMR

Convert XMR to BTC

0.0020481456764229193 BTC
0.010240728382114596 BTC
10 XMR
0.020481456764229192 BTC
25 XMR
0.051203641910572986 BTC
50 XMR
0.10240728382114597 BTC
100 XMR
0.20481456764229194 BTC
500 XMR
1.0240728382114597 BTC
1000 XMR
2.0481456764229193 BTC

How to swap BTC to XMR

Choose the crypto exchange pair
Select Bitcoin (BTC) in the "You Send" section. Enter the amount of BTC you wish to exchange.
Enter the recipient's address
Select Bitcoin (BTC) in the "You Send" section. Enter the amount of BTC you wish to exchange.
Send the deposit
To proceed with a fast & secure swap, send the required deposit. The exchange page will display the address where you should send the exact amount of Ethereum for the BTC/XMR swap.
Finalize the transaction
After receiving your deposit, we will process the conversion. It may take some time, but once the swap is complete, your Monero will be sent to the provided wallet address.

Why HoudiniSwap?

No Wallet needed
HoudiniSwap allows you to trade cryptocurrencies without creating an account.
4000+ tokens
Exchange thousands of different cryptocurrencies with ease.
24/7 support
Always Here for You
Our support team is available around the clock to help with any questions or issues.
Fully Secure
Full Control Over Your Assets Your crypto is directly transferred to your wallet & nothing is stored on our platform.

Other options to swap Bitcoin

Simply enter the required amount in Bitcoin, and let our BTC to XMR converter find an approximate rate.

What our Partners say

#TransactFreely with @HoudiniSwap in their upcoming v3 launch! Houdini will be supporting Arbitrum on v3
Just Houdini it

Houdini Swap V3 comes to Avalanche, simplifying cross-chain transactions for users.
Congrats on the upgrade @HoudiniSwap

Looking to bridge to #TON?

is enabling swapping with privacy options across Superchains like
@Mode @Base and OP Mainnet.

More to come.

Big congrats to @MoonbeamNetwork and @HoudiniSwap on the integration!

Check out the announcement to learn more about x-chain txns with optional privacy.

Pleased to support @HoudiniSwap on their upcoming v3 launch. Any THORChain supported asset & more in one seamless user interface.
Nevermind send/swap/bridge/receive nonsense...just Houdini it.

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